How To Style Dad Sneakers? Outfit Proposal + The Help (movie and book recommendation)

Dad's sneakers. Love them or hate them, there is no denying they're one of the hottest trends. I only have one such pair, and to be honest I have had it for a while. I bought this pair of white trainers something like seven years ago. Yeah, that long ago. I wish I could tell you the name of the brand, because they have proven to be a great purchase but the brand name is no longer clearly visible. Anyway, if you feel like rocking this dad sneaker trend, but you aren't confident that you can't pull it off, you can always opt for a more basic outfit. For example, I paired them with jeans and a black top. Something basic like that is always a good idea if you want a more toned down approach to some trend. You can dress down anything with denim. This pair of jeans is vintage, but I customized them by painting them with textile paints. I didn't made them distressed, that was just a natural process as they are quite old. I do love vintage clothes. Vintage fabrics are so u...