Fashion illustration of the day (a blue dress) / Modna ilustracija dana (plava haljina)

Hello there! How was your day? Mine was alright and I'm finishing it off by sharing this fashion illustration with you. I didn't use any reference, neither for the dress, nor for the girl I illustration. However, now that I'm looking at it, it makes me think of Yasmin from Aladdin (you probably saw that Disney classic, right?). It must be because of the long hair.... or is it because the outfit she wore was blue? Speaking of which, what is your favourite Disney classic? I think I will have to say Frozen. It is the last one I saw and I liked how the emphasis was placed on sisterly love. But I don't think I will watch the sequels. I don't want to be disappointed. Zdravo svima! Kako vam je prošao dan? Moj nije bio loš, a završavam ga tako što ću podijelit ovu modnu ilustraciju sa vama. Nisam slikala prema nekom podlošku. Niti za haljinu, niti za djevojku nisam koristila nikakav predložak. No, sada kada je gledam, pomalo me podsjeća na Jasmin iz Aladina (vjerovatno...