
Showing posts from March 12, 2014

a moment (photography)/ trenutak (fotografija)

"Great sculpture often follows the lines of the human body: yet the repose of great sculpture suddenly transmutes those human lines to something that has an absoluteness, a purity, a beauty, which would not be possible in a living mobile form."   The Timeless World of a Play , Tennessee Williams These words by Tennessee sounded right from the moment I have read them. It is not something that I haven't read before or that haven't been said before, for the nature of art is a theme never quite exhausted. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of them are the sculptures in the Mestrovich's gallery in Split. It's this beautiful villa near the sea, full of works by (probably) the most talented Croatian sculptor. You can imagine how I feel when I'm in there, like a child in a candy shop. Last time I was there (ages ago) I made the mistake of taking the guy I was dating with with me, but even that didn't ruin it for me. It now occurs to me ...