Let's visit Hutovo blato together! Idemo zajedno u posjet Hutovom blatu!

Today's post is a continuation of the last one but with a new and different location. Today I'm taking you to nature park and bird-watching site Hutovo Blato in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The photographs I shared with you yesterday where taken while I was hiking in the vicinity of this nature park, while the photographs I'm sharing today are from Hutovo blato itself. This is one of my favourite places in the world, my happy place if you will. If you want to see my previous visits to this part, you can check them out in the links bellow: 1. here and here (Winter 2017) 2. here and here (Autumn 2017) 3. here (Summer 2016) 4. here (Spring 2015) 5. here and here (Summer 2015) 6. here (Summer 2013) and here (Winter 2013) 7. here (photographs taken during Summer 2012 but published during Winter 2013) quoted from Solaris, by Stanislaw Lem: “Tell me something. Do you believe in God?' Snow darted an apprehensive glance in my direction. 'Wh...