Happy Easter Monday With Decoupage Eggs, Wine Dyeing Tips + Fashion Illustration of the Day!

Happy (Easter) Monday everyone! If you want to find out how to make decoupage Easter eggs with paper napkins or how to cook eggs in wine to dye them in a natural way, you've come to the right place. Today I'm going to share with you my decoupage Easter eggs technique & more, so scroll down and let's get this party started. My Easter outfit isn't terribly original, I'm afraid. It turned out cute enough for my liking, but to be honest, I didn't think much about what I'm going to wear for Easter. In the end, I opted for a vintage dress and a vintage sweater to match. I must have worn this vintage dress at least a dozen times. Lately, I often find myself reaching for vintage clothes. If you want, you can check out some of my old outfits featuring this lovely vintage dress here , here and here . Being that it was still cold, I wore a leather jacket over this ensemble, but you won't see it in this post. I did take some outdoor photographs, but th...