
Showing posts from April 18, 2014

Easter decoration (DIY): Uskršnja dekoracija (uradi sam)


They find God in each other... (illustration).oni pronalaze Boga jedni u drugima....(ilustracija)

Yesterday's illustration was dedicated to a writer who is no longer with us, but whose words are still here.... Today's illustration is again connected with literature.....and it contains a quote from a wonderful and sad play by Tennessee Williams. The green and the orange in the dress symbolize Sicily (in my logic all least), the island that all the characters in the play originate from.  " You love your people but you don't understand them. They find God in each other. Any when they lose each other, they lose God and they're lost. And it is hard to help them" The Rose Tattoo, Tennessee Williams. Jučerašnja ilustracija bila je posvećena piscu koji više nije sa nama, ali čije nam riječi ostaju...Današnja ilustracija je ponovno povezana sa književnošću...sadrži citat iz divne i tužne drame Tennessee Williamsa. Zelena i narančasta na haljini simboliziraju Siciliju (barem po mojoj logici), otok sa kojeg podječu svi bitniji likovi iz drame. ...