
Showing posts from December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas from Split city (a maxi dress and startas sneakers) / Sretan Božić iz Splita (duga haljina i startas tenisice)

Merry Christmas if you are celebrating it! Wearing a summer beach dress for a Christmas day? If you live in a warm climate, why not? I've perfected wearing Summer clothes in Winter. Long live the layering. As you may notice, I'm still earth bound (no sky heels for now), that is unable to wear anything but sneakers....and startas sneakers are the best choice because they're light. So, that is another reason why I'm grateful for this warm weather you can see on these photographs. Actually, I'm celebrating Christmas in Mostar (where it is also warm and sunny),  not Split but for now I'm leaving you with images of sunny Split. Tomorrow if all goes well, you'll see how I celebrated Christmas. Na dobro vam došao Badnji dan i Sretan Božić ako ga slavite! Nošenje ljetne haljine za plažu na Božić? Zašto ne, pogotovo ako živite gdje je klima topla? Usavršila sam nošenje ljetne odjeće zimi. Živjelo slojevito odijevanje.  Kao što možete primijetiti, još sam vezana ...