
Showing posts from August 4, 2016

Fashion illustration of the day (painting with make up) / Modna ilustracija dana (slikanje sa šminkom) 4.8.2016

Hello! In this post I'll share a mixed media fashion illustration. It's not a typical mixed media. You see, I used make up to make this fashion sketch! Scroll down to see and read more.  Pencil and make up on papir/ Olovka i šminka na papiru A FEW MORE GIRLY FASHION ILLUSTRATIONS Post update: Off shoulder illustration inspired by Tijana Post update: an off shoulder fashion illustration  FASHION ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY: SPRING IN MY SKETCHBOOKS Off shoulder art: painting with make up  You might not be next to the concept of mixed media. However, maybe you're new to the idea of mixed media art that includes make up.  Some of you might wonder. What is painting with make up? Can you use make up to paint mixed media?  What it is like mixing pencil with make up to create art? Is painting with make up difficult? I wrote about it on my blog in the past, so I'll just copy paste my answer.  Sure it is possible. You can paint with pretty much anything that leaves tr...