Blue princess ( my fashion illustration of the day) / Plava princeza (moja modna ilustracija dana) 9.12.2016.

It is not a secret that blue is one of my favourite colours. In painting, I use it often. Today's painting is dominated by blue. The women depicted is not only wearing a blue dress, her hair is also blue. Is this a blue haired modern princess? Perhaps. They say that every girl wants to be a princess. Why not? In one sense, we can all achieve it. In a sense of inner nobility. They teach us to be modest, not to dream big lest we get disappointed. Do you know what I have to say to that? That to love others, we also need to be peace with ourselves. We don't have to be into ourselves, we don't need to think we're the best thing ever, but we need to be wary of feeding our insecurities. There is a big difference between self-critique and self-loathing. In other words, there is nothing wrong in dreaming. If we don't believe that we can be more than we are, how are we to become more? Nije tajna da mi je plava jedna od najdražih boja. U slikarstvu, često je koristim....