How To Turn Disposable Coffee Cups Into Artsy Containers (DIY Project of the Day: Upycling)

Hello! Today I'm back with another DIY project. You know how much I love upcycling, right? So, I decided to turn two old cardboard coffee cups in containers. These two cups were made from recycled material (like most of coffee cups). Still, I rarely pick up coffee in disposable cups for a number of reasons. One of them is that I've read that only 1 percent of disposable coffee cups ever gets recycled despite the fact they're made from recycled material because apparently the whole process of recycling them is complicated. So, disposable coffee cups are made from recycled material, but are not being recycled themselves and it seems to be this big environmental problem. Anyhow, if you're interested in recycling, this might be a fun idea for you. I think I only bought take away coffee a few times and every time I used the cup for something creative because it just feels wrong to throw it in the trash. We all know that plastic coffee cups are an environmen...