Hello there! This post is going to be super short because I'm feeling depressed and tired, probably because of all the art projects I'm currently working on. I'm probably spending too much time drawing these days for I cannot see another reason why my energy levels are so low. Anyhow, today I'll just show you a couple of illustration I did (in different versions). So, let's start the one I'm most satisfied with. Bellow you can see how I illustrated a girl sitting on her balcony in an urban setting. After I finished the original illustration, I painted it digitally in Paint 3D in two main ways: one was colouring and working with the original colours and the other was by turning it black and white and then colouring it from the beginning. I ended up with five or six different version and I really cannot pick a favourite, they are all interesting in their own way. I also love that this illustration just came straight out of my head, without any planning or thought...