interview with Marcela from blog Fashionadictas/ razgovor s Marcelom sa bloga Fashionadictas

Today I'm presenting one wonderful blog . What I like about this blog is that it joins fashion and art. Every post is a comparison of a designer and a painter (or an artist). In that sense it is quite unique. Here is a short interview with the blogger behind fashionadictas. Odlučila sam vam danas predstaviti jedan blog. Ono što mi se sviđa kod njega je što spaja modu i umjetnost. U tom smislu posve je jedinstven. Svaki post je usporedba dizajnera i slikara. Slijedi kratki razgovor sa blogericom koja ga je osmislila. 1. How did you come to an idea to compare art and fashion? It came naturally. I'm a painter and licensed at art but I'm also studied fashion design. Fashion has been always very important for me, I like to express myself through me clothes. By other side, art is part of my life and profession, I want to find art also in small things, all motivate my creativity. By that I decided to join ...