Why do I like wearing patterns? Zašto volim nositi uzorke?

When it comes to clothes, there is a pattern I seem to favour and it is a pattern of wearing patterns. What it is about prints and patterns I love so much? I can't say with absolute certainty, but I can recall quite clearly the sensation of being mesmerized by patterns from an early age. I would stare at elaborative tapestry for hours and I would dream of being an Indian princess. I always loved gypsy dresses and I couldn't help but going nuts for any kind of ethnic print. I have adored and will probably continue to adore traditional clothing and attire. Moreover, I'm sure that folklore will always be a great inspiration for me. Folklore dresses always felt like art to me. Within themselves they contains so much history, aristry and finese, that it is hard not to take a deep apreciation of them. They are quite often very rich in patterns, often embroided ones (my other great passion that I won't get into now). Kada je u pitanju odjeća, čini se kako pratim jedan uzora...