
Showing posts from August 7, 2016

Inspired by/ Nadahnuta s.......Marina

Time for another 'Inspired by' features. This is a regular feature on my blog and it consists of my illustrations of fashion bloggers. Usually I do a few of them monthly, sometimes less and sometimes more. Today's drawing was inspired by Marina Loyko (her blog here ). The medium is coloured pencils on paper. Vrijeme je za još jednu "Nadahnuta s" rubriku. Ovo je redovita rubrika na mome blogu koja je sastoji od mojih ilustracija modnih blogera. Obično ih napravim nekoliko mjesečno, ponekad malo više, ponekad malo manje. Današnji je crtež nadahnut s Marinom Loyko s bloga (njen blog ovdje ). Medij su bojice na papiru. Inspired by... . If you like this fashion illustration and would like to see more, you have a look these similar posts:  DIGITAL RETOUCHING WITH PAINT 3D ,   LADY IN A LILAC DRESS and BALL PAINT FASHION ILLUSTRATION .  Moreover, you're more than welcome welcome to visit my pre...

Inspired by/ Nadahnuta s/Ispirata a....Vale

Buona domenica! Eccola, una nuova ilustrazione per la mia rubrica 'Ispirata a'. Oggi sono ispirata a bellissima Vale di blog fashion and cookies ( qui ). Hi there! Today I have another illustration for 'Inspired by' feature on my blog.  This time I was inspired by Vale from fashion and cookies blog ( qui ). Zdravo! Danas imam još jednu ilustraciju za moju 'Nadahnuta s' rubriku. Ovaj puta sam bila nadahnuta s Vale, vlasnicom fashion and cookies bloga ( ovdje ). Inspired by Vale from fashion and cookies blog  Inspired by....Ispirata a...Nadahnuta s... INSPIRED BY MICA, SHEILA AND BLAIR  2020 INSPIRED BY VIX, LOVELY AND AKIKO (WATERCOLOUR PENCILS)  2020 INSPIRED BY AKIKO, LOVELY AND VIX (COLOURED PENCILS)   2020 INSPIRED BY ANN AND SHEILA (COLOURED PENCILS)  2020 INSPIRED BY VIX ( COLOURED PENCILS) 2020 INSPIRED BY SHANAZ AND MAR...

Fashion drawing of the day (blue jeans) / Modni crtež dana (plave traperice) / Illustrazione di moda ( i jeans blu)

Nel post di  oggi vi dimostrerò la mia nuova illustrazione di moda. Ho creato un look estivo, semplice e comodo…Ho disegnato una ragazza che indosso i jeans blu   con una maglietta rosso. I jeans blu sono un cappo che non passa mai di moda.  Chissà perché tutti noi amiamo i jeans blue così tanto. Forse dovremmo chiedere Lana Del Rey? Today is time for another fashion illustration. This time I had a summer outfit in mind and I ended up creating an outfit that is simple and casual. The girl on my illustation is wearing a pair of blue jeans with a red top. Blue jeans are a clothing item that never goes out of style. I wonder why we all love blue years so much. Maybe we should ask Lana del Ray? Danas je vrijeme za još jednu modnu ilustraciju, a ovaj put sam osmislila ljetnu odjevnu kombinaciju, jako jednostavno i udobnu. Nacrtala sam djevojku koja nosi plave traperice s crvenom majicom. Plave traperice su odjevni komad koji nikad ne izlazi iz mode. Pitam se zašto s...