Ivana's Fashion Illustration Friday: New Feature On my Blog (Well, Sort Of)!

For a while now, I've been toying with an idea to start another regular feature on my blog. This one would be devoted to my fashion illustrations. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’d know that I had this little place of mine for years now. You’ll also know that fashion illustration has always been (at least a small) part of it. Like most bloggers, sometimes I wasn’t secure what I was supposed to with my blog, what I want or what I’m actually capable of doing. You know, desires are one thing, but logistics and possibilities are another. There is so much to consider before I sit down to write something, to edit photographs and press that publish bottom. I’m sure all bloggers can relate to that. There is always a bit and sometimes a lot of self-doubt. Sometimes we need to just do it. Sometimes we need to sit down and analyse things. Sometimes we need to ask ourselves: Can it fit it into my schedule? It’s normal to ask these questions. If you care about y...