
Showing posts from July 5, 2016

Summer in Split city ( where to have a cup of coffee? an outfit post and brand highlight) / Ljeto u Splitu ( gdje popiti kavu? odjevna kombinacija i priča o domaćim markama)

Hi there! Today I'm going to talk a bit about one newcomer in Split and that is Dvor . It is a lovely restaurant and caffe bar in Split city but so far I only tried the caffe bar aspect of it. Not having really tested out the restaurant part, I can't very well make a restaurant recommendation, can I? I take my restaurant recommendations seriously and I would only recommend places I'm absolutely certain of. I can, however, recommend Dvor as a place to have a drink, be it a cup of coffee, juice or a glass of wine (depending on your preferance). Usually when I'm there I just order know me, a coffee addict if there ever was one.  There was this one time when I ordered tiramisu and it was really yummy. So, I guess I can recomemnd their desserts as well! Zdravo svima! Danas ću malo pričati o jednom novom mjestu u Splitu, a radi se o restoranu i kafiću Dvor . Još vam ne mogu dati preporuku u smislu restorana jer tamo još nisam jela, a ja shvaćam svoje p...