Thank you for all your kind messages. January was somewhat difficult month for me, so I didn't have the time or the energy to post much. My shoulder got better but there were some other issues that needed my attention. Today I will share some reading recommendations with you. We have two more months of winter ahead of us, so I figured that it would be a good idea to share some Winter reading recommendations. Last month, I shared with you my holiday reading list. This month I will focus on the classics as they seem a great choice for Winter months. Some people read more in the colder months, others read more in the warmer ones. I don't really notice any season shifts in my reading schedule, I read all year around. I love the coziness of reading indoors in Autumn and Winter but I also love to read outdoors in Spring and Summer. If you are looking for something classical to read this Winter, these are my suggestions. Some of these book reviews are from my archives, ...