Hello readers! How are you? I'm alright, pretty much working on new art all the time. Friday is here and I have a few fashion illustrations to share with you. Three of them are fashion sketches (medium coloured pencils) and one is an aquarelle sketch. I'm also going to show you an outfit I wore for a visit to Buna river and Bunica recreational area near Mostar (last visited HERE ). We visited Buna maybe a week or so ago, but I haven't posted this outfit (well, not the complete outfit anyway). This post will be short and sweet, my outfit and a few illustrations and that is that. Scroll down to see and read more. THE FASHION SKETCH- RUNAWAY LOOK (COLOURED PENCILS ON A5 PAPER) THE STORY OF MY OUTFIT- All of the items in this post are old and the scarf is borrowed from my husband. THE UZOR DRESS- I'm wearing a from Uzor dress (i.e. a Croatian fashion house that closed down), it's one of a kind dress too, made only in one size. When Uzor was closing, I remember the sal...