Happy International Women's Day! Isn't it wonderful that there is a special day to celebrate us? I have such fond memories of this day and I always find myself looking forward to it. When my brother and I were little, we would always find an almond tree and bring a beautiful almond branch full of blossoms to my mother. I still associate this day with almond blossoms and not with other more conventional floral options. When we were a bit older, we could just buy flowers, but those pre-school days of looking for flowers seem more fun in retrospective. Do you have any fond memories connected with this day? I'm actually in Croatia right now and I will stay here for the next week or so. On my blog, we will celebrate this day with some art sharing. In the past, I also shared 30 READING RECOMMENDATIONS (LADY AUTHORS) so check that out if you want to celebrate today by reading female authors. Today I'll share a new art update: two paintings that were both inspired by a f...