My fashion illustration of the day-zelenilo/ Moja modna ilustracija dana- greenary

Today a new fashion illustration. The medium is watercolour on paper. I suppose this one could be seen as my answer to a question that's been on a lot of minds lately: 'How to wear Pantone's greenery?' How do you like this colour of the year? Personally, I like it but then again I like almost all shades of green. I have always loved green. Period. This outfit features only two colours: black and green. I quite like this combination of colours. A monochrome outfit doesn't have to always be black and white. Green and black can be such an interesting colour combo. This combo is all about spring vibes, but with a few additional layers it could work for winter too. Danas nova modna ilustracija. Medij su vodene boje na papiru. Pretpostavljam da bi se ovo moglo vidjeti kao moj odgovor na pitanje koje je mnogima sada na pameti: "Kako nositi Pantone zelenu?" Kako se vama sviđa ova boja godine? Meni se osobno sviđa, ali meni se zapravo sviđaju sve boje zele...