Krka National Park is a vast protected natural area located near Šibenik town. It covers a natural area of 109 km². Encompassing the most stunning sections of beautiful Krka river, this national park has a lot to offer. Krka national park is a wonderfully preserved natural area of exceptional ecological value. The ecosystems of Krka river are fully preserved here. This natural park is open for tourist visits and is quite a popular destination. I have first visited it as a kid, on an organized school trip and I remember being mesmerized by its beauty. This summer I visited it with my significant other. Scroll down to see and read more. We arrived to Krka in the morning hours (but not too early, I remember that it was already hot). We bought the tickets, hiked down to the river and then we saw the museum and the stone houses, had a cup of coffee in one of the restaurants, took some photos and agreed on where to go. I wanted us to hike the park following the pathway so we...