Jadrolinija ferry ride, travelling from Split to island Hvar (outfit post)
Science proved that life on Earth originated in the sea but in our hearts we must have always felt it. Why otherwise would we feel so inspired by the sea? Who of us has not felt his or her heart opening up while mesmerized by the deep blueness of sea? Is it an echo of an oceanic birth of life? Is it our soul that wanders enchanted towards that greatest mystery? We feel the song of the sea, even when we don't understand it. Znanost je dokazala da je život na Zemlji započeo u moru, ali u našem srcu smo zacijelo to znali. Zašto bi nas more inače tako nadahnjivalo? Tko od nas nije osjetio kako mu se srce otvara dok biješe očaran dubokim plavetnilom mora? Je li to odjek morskog rođenja života? Je li to naša duša koja luta očarana prema tom krajnjem misteriju? Osjećamo pjesmu mora, čak i kada je ne razumijemo. A SELECTION OF CROATIAN POETRY RIKARD KATALINIĆ JERETOV 1869-1954 Born in Volosko (Istria, Croatia), died in Split. During the Second World War he was arrested...