Hutovo blato (travel post/ putopis)

Now, about this nature park (Hutovo blato) I have written a few times already. However, this time I'm showing you something a bit different, photographs that were taken from one of the rent-able boats that are available for sight seeing purposes. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed taking photos on that ride that seemed to pass so quickly, like all the good things in life seem to do. It is really serenely calming experience to be on a boat and see only the untouched nature around you. For a moment I have felt like I was in Amazon or rather what I imagine being in Amazon might feel like (for I have sadly never been there and much want to). It was a good day, some 3 years ago if you care to put a dates on event...I remember just being blissfully happy and calm. Hope you enjoy the photographs. E sada, već sam pisala o Hutovom blatu nekoliko puta, ali ovaj put je ipak nešto drukčije jer su tu fotografije koje su uslikane sa jednog od onih brodo...