The easiest way to rock the suit look is to find a suit you'll love and feel comfortable and then wear it until you get the hang of it. You can start by shopping your own closet, trying out different items and seeing what works for you. Often you'll find that you already have something in your closet you can work with. It is important to think of reducing our textile waste these days. It is only if you can't find anything you like in your closets, that you should hit the shops. Keep in mind that a suit is definitely a good investment. It is one of those must have items in our closet. I recently saw an article about some young girl who wore the same suit for three months on Instagram to point out how we should invest in quality items that can be worn multiple times, as opposed to indulging in fast fashion. A nice suit might be perfect for this kind of project, for there definitely are many ways to rock the suit look. I personally think the suit up look is great for any ...