Drawing of the day / Crtež dana

I'm not sure how I feel about this drawing. I kind of like it, but to be honest I don't really see the resemblance with the person I tried to illustrate. You can see the reference photograph here . It is hard to find that balance between 'personal style' and 'realistic' style of drawing, especially when it comes to portraits. Although, I'm not quite sure I'm actually attempting portraits yet. Maybe I should. Who dares wines:). I think I'll give this one another try, see how that works out. Nisam sigurna kakvo je moje mišljenje o ovome crtežu. Nekako mi se sviđa, ali ne vidim pravu sličnost s osobom koju sam ilustrirala. Možete pogledati fotografiju prema kojoj sam radila ovdje . Teško je pronaći tu ravnotežu između osobnoga stila i realnoga načina crtanja, pogotovo kada su portreti u pitanju. Iako, nisam sigurna da zapravo pokušavam raditi potrete još. Možda bi trebala. Tko ne riskira, ne profitira. :) Mislim da ću ovu pokušati ponovo pa vidj...