strawberry cake/ kolač od jagode

nothing says spring like strawberry cakes Lately strawberry cakes have been on my menu and let me tell you I have baked them in all shapes and sizes. I haven't really followed any recipe but as most of the time improvised. The key is to find good strawberries (there are many recipes online)! (Sadly the ones I have bought yesterday (at the same open market!) are not quite mature yet so I'll have to wait for tomorrow. Besides the strawberry cakes I have also baked chocolate ones and well all kinds (you might have noticed that I have a sweet tooth) . U zadnje vrijeme su mi na jelovniku bili kolači od jagode. Baš sam ih pekla u svim oblicima i veličinama, mekše i tvrđ po nekom receptu nego više po nekom nadahnuću (tako sam ovaj pomalo neuredna izgleda napravila vez valjanja jer mi se nije dalo čistiti stol). Čini mi se da je ključno za ovaj kolač samo pronaći dobre jagode (recepte možete naći lako). Jagode koje sam jučer kupila još nisu zrele (a kupila sam ih na isto...