EN Today it's time for another post in my INSPIRED BY... feature, a regular feature on my blog in which I choose bloggers to illustrate and recommend. Today I'll show you two fashion illustrations, one inspired by Shanaz from Reverie Sanctuary blog and the other by Marisa from Marisa's closet blog . Do visit their blogs, they are both beautiful, stylish and fabulous ladies with a talent for writing. Let's get started! IT Danas je vrijeme za još jednu objavu mojoj rubrici NADHANUTA S ..., redovnom rubrikom na mom blogu u kojoj biram blogere koji će ih ilustrirati i preporučiti. Danas ću vam pokazati dvije modne ilustracije, jednu nadahnutu sa Shanaz s bloga Reverie Sanctuary, a drugu s Marisom s Marisa's closet bloga. Posjetite njihove blogove, obje su lijepe, elegantne i nevjerojatne dame s talentom za pisanje. Započnimo! INSPIRED BY....SHANEZ (MAKING OF A FASHION ILLUSTRATION) MEDIUM: WATERCOLOUR PENCILS ON MIXED MEDIA PAPER To make this illustration I first sket...