Sights to see, Places to visit / Znamenitosti za vidjeti, mjesta za posjetiti (Mogorjelo)
Last month when I took you to this little city ( here ) in Herzegovina, I told you that it was actually founded by the ancient Romans. Didn't I also mention that there are interesting ruins and archeological sights near by? I'm pretty sure I did! Today I'm taking you to one of them. Welcome to Mogorjelo! Prošlog mjeseca kada sam vas povela u ovaj mali grad u Hercegivini ( ovdje ), rekla sam vam da su ga zapravo osnovali stari Rimljani. Zar nisam također i spomenula da u blizini ima zanimljivih ruševina i arheoloških spomenika? Naravno da jesam! Danas vas vodim na jedno takvo mjesto. Dobrodošli u Mogorjelo! As it happens, we decided to make a stop here almost accidentally. We had some things to take care of in vicinity and when we were done my husband in a spur of the moment decided we should see this place. As soon as I step foot here I was enchanted. I literally felt like I stepped centuries back in time. This location was so beautiful; it left ...