outfits of the week/ odjevne kombinacije tjedna

Another Sunday, another selection of outfits that have caught my eye. It's 9 am and I feel absolutely exhausted. On the other hand, the day looks promising and sunny. Maybe I manage to find/reclaim my mojo. Happy birthday to Francesca once again...and join in Sacramento's share in style if you can! ( I would if I could) Još jedna nedjelja, još jedan izbor odjevnih kombinacija koje su mi zapale za oko. Devet je sati i osjećam se posve iscrpljeno. No, dan izgleda obećavajuće i sunčano. Možda uspijem povratiti energiju. Sretan rođendan Franceski još jednom....i pridružite se stilskom druženju na Sacramentovoj stranici ako možete ( ja bi da mogu). http://www.dontcallmefashionblogger.com/ http://www.fashiondenis.com http://leblogdecarolinista.blogspot.com/ http://www.imieioutfit.blogspot.com/ http://wildflowergirlstyle.blogspot.com/ http://thedrawingmannequin.blogspot.com/ http://fashionabejita.blogspot.com/ http://www.cocoetlavieenrose.com/ ...