Listopad ( moje slike i ilustracije) / October (my illustrations and paintings)

My (fashion) illustrations and paintings have played a key part in my blogging last month. That is why I decided to decidate a special post to them. If you missed anything last month, now you can catch up. I also included quotes and links to the post, so (if you want to, you can put the pictures in the context. Kada se radi o mome bavljenju blogom prošloga mjeseca, (modne) ilustracije i slike su igrale ključnu ulogu. Stoga sam im odlučila posvetiti posebnu objavu. Ako ste što propustili prošloga mjeseca, sada možete nadoknaditi. Uključila sam i poveznice na objave, a i citate iz objava, tako da možete ako želite povezati sliku s porukom. "A new month always feel like a fresh start, doesn't it? There is something lovely about a day that is the first day of something. First of a new month, a new year, a new relationship, a new job, a new school or university year and so on. In...