Today I'll show you the outfit I wore for International Mostar Fair , held back in April. This fair is the most successful event of the sorts in Bosnia and Herzegovina (by the number of its visitors and exhibitions). It is is held annually (typically in April). I attend it every year (see my last year's outfit ) because there are always interesting things to check out and I enjoy buying local products. This year I bought some local organic products on the fair as well as some books. This is a great place to look for touristic information of any sort, such as private accommodation and/or travel brochures. I picked up a lovely travel brochure published by an association of Adriatic cities this time. If I manage to find time, I plan to visit some of them this summer. How to look elegant while staying comfortable? My outfit proposal of the day is all about business chic but at the same time it is quite comfy. For Mostar Fair, I wore a grey dress, a vintage pepita jacket and...