Wearing the First Dress I Ever Made: A Grey Midi Dress

Here it is: the first dress I have ever made entirely by myself. I did make some summer dresses in the past, but I had sown them without a pattern and a sewing machine and at any rate I wouldn't call them very accomplished. I mean, they weren't nearly as polished as this dress and they were not nearly as complex to make. I'm very happy with how this dress turned out. I'm even happier I took this sewing course in the first place because now I can make more dresses like this one! If you remember my November highlights post , you might remember that I've mentioned how I've recently finished a beginning fashion tailoring and sewing course with designer Stanka Zovko. I promised to show you the dress I made for my course 'graduation'. At the end of this lovely sewing course, you get to choose not only what you're going to make, but also the material and the pattern. The sewing pattern is typically chosen from one of the sewing magazines this designer ...