Painting On Clothes and Accessories With Textile Paints: The Pros and The Cons (Outfit proposal of the day: Magnenta with red accents)

Look at that happy grin on my face. What I could be so happy about? Well, I discovered a new cute spot by river Bunica. One could say that I'm living the 'be a tourist in your own area' phrase and applying the philosophy behind it to the fullest. One of my favourite ways to apply this philosophy to my life is by exploring the area I live in by foot. I'm a firm believer in the benefits of hiking. In addition, long walks (be it in urban area or nature) have many benefits. Sedentary way of life hides many health hazards, so remember that and go for a walk. As long as I'm talking about this area, If you are thinking about visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina, do not neglect the area around Buna river (only 14 km from Mostar!). Buna and Bunica are two small rivers that join at one point and then they flow west for about 10 km and into the famous Neretva river. The area around these two rivers is lovely. I already wrote about this place a dozen of times on my blog, so n...