What to wear to celebrate one's anniversary? Što nositi za proslavu svoje godišnjice?

You know those days when all the troubles seem so far way and happiness seems to be resting on your fingertips? As I’m sitting there, I know it is one of those days. The river Buna flows calmly by, the sun is shining and this Summer day feels absolutely perfect. Caught in the river magic, I watch time stand still for a second. There is magic in this place, of that I'm sure. Nevertheless, it is not only about that. True, I always enjoy being here, but today there is an addition reason to be joyous. Today is a day of celebration. As much as I believe that we should celebrate love every day, I still like anniversaries. The calmness of that special day. It reminds me of holidays and Christmas. There is something about having a date set up for happiness. Something calming and at the same time also festive. Akin to the feeling of relaxation that the weekend brings. Speaking of the weekend, this is a pretty good place to spend one. Looking for a weekend getaway? If you’re anywhere nea...