
Showing posts from March 10, 2016

It is still a miracle / To je još uvijek čudo

 'I' do not matter. No word matters. But man forgets reality and remember words. The more words he remembers, the cleaverer do his fellows esteem him. He looks upon the great transformatons of the world, but he does not see them as they were seen when man looked upon reality for the first time. Their names come to his lips and he smiles as he tastes them, thinking he knows them in the naming. The thing that has never happened before is still happening. It is still a miracle.  Roger Zelanzny, Lord of Light  "Ja", to nije bitno.  Nijedna riječ nije bitna. No, čovjek zaboravlja stvarnost i pamti riječi. Što više riječi zapamti, to ga pametnijim smatraju ljudi oko njega. On gleda velike pretvorbe svijeta, ali ne vidi ih onako kako ih je vidio čovjek koji je gledao stvarnost po prvi put. Njihova imena dolaze na njihove usne i on se smije kad ih okusi, misleći da ih poznaje ako ih imenuje. Stvar koja se nikada prije nije dogodila još se događa. To je još čudo. ...