
Showing posts from May 3, 2016

What does it mean to travel? Što to znači putovati?

Travel. Has there ever been a word so poignant with meaning? For what it is to travel? Isn't travel a part of our daily lives ? Do we not all travel back when we remember? We travel in time, space and memory whenever we have a trandescental experience of anykind, whenever we rise to our higher potential as human beings. Our life is like one voyage after another. Often we aren't even aware of how much travelling we truly undertake. Our languages, however, remember. That is why we have so many idioms and metaphors connected with travelling in our vocabularies. Human languages are a fascinating field to study, because they can tell us so much about ourselves, about things that matter to us.  Writers, in particular, often recognize the value of this word 'travel' and explore its hidden meaning and its presence in our collective consciousness.  Putovanje. Je li ijedna riječ bila tako puna značenjem? Što to znači putovati? Zar nije putovanje dio naših svakodnevnih živo...