Hello dear readers and fellow bloggers! Thank you for all your kind messages on my last post. As anticipated, I was discharged from the hospital Monday and I'm doing alright. Life goes on. Today I will share a review of a very special book. It's one of best known and widely read autobiographies: Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl (as it is sometimes known in English translation) or simply The Diary of Anne Frank. You can read her diary online here. If you want to find out more about Anne Frank, there is a lot of information and research that can be found easily on the Internet. What I will share today will be my own review of this famous and celebrated (rightfully so!) diary. I've been meaning to read this book for years, but someone I've never got around to it. I've been wanting to buy a copy for quit some time and one where funds would be donated to a good charity. I finally found it being sold on behalf of a charity for visually impaired last March,...