Earlier this July, I've finally had the chance to spend some time in my home town Split, Croatia. As I headed over to the beach, I found myself once again mesmerized by the sea. Like Cousteau , I wanted to explore the beauty of the sea. My eyes just couldn't get enough of it. Even as I was swimming, I found myself trying to take it all in, trying to catch every changing of the light, trying to remember the exact colours of our magical Adriatic and somehow store it all in my memory. My eyes were working hard. Never have I felt more blessed for the gift of sight. You could say that, a painter in me reawakened. The painter of the sea. The admirer of the sea. The lover of the sea. I picked up my brushes again. I opened my paints again and I set to work. Trying to capture what I saw and felt. Trying my hand at capturing the infinite magic that is the sea. The endless blues and greens and yellows and purples..... The light reflected of the waves in so many ways. The feel of the pebb...