Hello dear readers! How are you doing? Today I'm taking you to beautiful island Hvar (Croatia) again. I'll show you some places I visited last weekend on island Hvar. Before heading for Split city , we made a quick stop on island Hvar and revisited some of our favourite places. As some of you may remember, I spent the year 2020 working and living on this island. It was great. This visit to island Hvar was short, but we still got to revisit some of our favourite places and people. SUCURAJ, ISLAND HVAR I blogged about Sucuraj quite a few times. I always go on about how this place has some of the best views. It inspired one of my favourite paintings. If you want to know more about this place, you're welcome to visit some of my old posts. Island Hvar is a huge inspiration for my art, so it was great to be able to see it with my own eyes again. A PRINTED DRESS FOR CATCHING A FERRY IN SUCURAJ VISIT SUCURAJ ON ISLAND HVAR WITH ME TRAVEL WITH MY ART SUCURAJ VISITING SUĆURAJ (SUCH...