
Showing posts from October 19, 2014

all about DIY (outfi post)/ uradi sam filozofija (odjevna kombinacija)

Lots of DIY elements in this look. To start with a bag with inscription 'Once a book worm always a book warm'. The jeans I have worked on with textile paint as well. Next DIY element - two DIY necklaces. Finally there is embroidered denim vest (that I'm not ever wearing on most photographs because it is so damn hot). The pointy booties are from Peko as most of my shoes tend to be (support the local economy and all that)...and how could I forget? The apple pie I'm eating I've baked myself! When it comes to food, I'm all for DIY philosophy of life. Puno uradi sam stvari u ovom ruhu. Za početak tu je torba za natpisom koja potvrđuje moju ljubav prema knjigama, a traperice su na slični način ukrašene tekstilnim bojama. Iduće djelo mojih ruku su dvije ogrlice...i konačno je tu izvezen (cvjetićima) prsluk od jeansa (koji na većini slika i ne nosim jer je bilo tako prokleto vruće). Čizmice na špic su iz Peka kao i većina cip...