Badnjak u Splitu/ Christmas Eve in Split/La vigilia di Natale a Spalato

Today it's raining cats and dogs in Mostar. I just got back home from the library and I'm soaking wet not to mention that I managed to slip down and almost injured myself (I'm not so crazy about the rain right now). Anyway I'm in Mostar again (the photos I took for the last post were taken here). However, the photographs I want to show you were taken in Split on Christmas Eve. It was one of the most beautiful days ever, sunny and warm. I decided to have some fun so I mixed different colours and patterns together. On top of it all I wore a dark (sort of grunge ) corduroy coat I haven't worn since High school. (not that I needed the coat during the day.) Danas kiša pada kao iz kabla u Mostaru. Vratila sam se i knjižnice skoro pokisla do kože. Usput sam se uspjela i poskliznuti i skoro se razbiti tako da nisam baš luda za kišom u ovom trenutku. Kao što rekoh, u Mostaru sam opet i one fotogra...