
Showing posts from December 30, 2016

2016 : Books (Part one) / Knjige (Prvi dio)

For me 2016 was truly the year of the book. I've always loved reading, but this year gave a new vitality to my passion. I discovered a number of new writers. I didn't find the time to write about all of them on this little place of mine, but you can count on them coming up sooner or later in some of my posts. I can't honestly say that 2016 was all that good to me,  but at least when it comes to reading, it was a very good year. To honour this long lasting passion of mine, I prepared a little selection of book reviews published on this blog. It will be continued.... Za mene je 2016 bila godina knjige. Uvijek sam voljela čitati, ali ova godina je pobudila neku novu vitalnost u mojoj strasti. Otkrila sam nekoliko novih pisaca. Nisam stigla o svima pisati na ovom mom malom blogu, ali možete računati da će se prije ili kasnije pojaviti u jednoj od mojih objava. Ne mogu reći da mi je 2016. bila sklona, ali što se tiče čitanja, b...