
Showing posts from September 5, 2013

DIY bracelet---narukvica koju sam ušila

Occasionally I suffer from allergy to metals. This is how I got an idea to make different pieces of jewelry from recycled fabric (that and I am really obsessed with recycling). This bracelet I have sewn in one afternoon together with a lot more similar pieces (but I like this one best) and one collar necklace that you have already seen...That sudden inspiration cost me some pain because when I was done with all the sewing my fingers were really hurting. It is always like that with me...when I get inspired, I don't know how to stop...and speaking of DIY, I yet have to explain the yellow belt, right? I'll get to that, I promise:) I'm also thinking about doing a post about different ways to wear a scarf, would you like to see that? Povremeno imam alergiju na metale, no baš me to nadahnulo da napravim nekoliko komada nakita od reciklirane tkanine (to a i nekako mi je recikliranje opsesija). Ovu narukvicu sam ušila jedno popodne skupa sa hrpom drugih stvari , slič...