Hello readers! Today I'll show you two outfits I have worn today (that is for Easter day). I'm currently wearing a third outfit ( this orange dress I wore for Easter day back in 2019 ). What can I say? Sometimes I go through a few outfits in one day just for the fun of it. This habit comes in handy when you have a fashion blog, doesn't? It allows you to always have photographed outfits at hand. I don't take photographs of my outfits in an organised way, though. Sometimes I go a few days without snapping an outfit, sometimes I document every outfit I wear in a day. It depends on a few factors, mostly on how busy or energetic I am feeling. Today I have felt better, so we captured both of my outfits. Scroll down and keep reading to learn more. Pozdrav čitateljima! Danas ću vam pokazati dvije odjevn kombinacije koje sam danas nosila (odnosno za Uskrs). Trenutno nosim treću kombinaciju ( ovu narančastu haljinu koju sam nosila za Uskrs 2019. ). Što da kažem? Ponekad promij...