Plaything of winds (outfit post)/ Igračka vjetorova (odjevna objava)
Plaything Of Winds Suffer without a tear, live without a swear, and be peacefully unhappy. Tears are vain, and laments won't ease a troubled sleep. Give yourself to the drunk wind of life, let it whirl you where it will; let yourself be spinned like a leaf, in the mad whirlwind. Fly like a spinning leaf caught by a gust of wind, for flight, my soul, you were created. It is not meant for earth, it is not meant for rest a flower that has no roots.* *Poem by Croatian poet Tin Ujević, translated by me Igračka vjetrova Pati bez suze, živi bez psovke, i budi mirno nesretan. Tašte su suze, a jadikovke ublažit neće gorki san. Podaj se pjanom vjetru života, pa nek te vije bilo kud; pusti ko listak nek te mota u ludi polet vihor lud. Leti ko lišće što vir ga vi...