Inspired by...Rae / Nadahnuta s..........Rae

Today it's time for another Inspired by post and in this case that means I'm sharing a new drawing with you. The medium is coloured pencils on paper (in more ways than one), but I also used dried rose pedals to create this illustration. Inspired by is a regular feature on my blog in which I post illustrations of bloggers. This time I was inspired by Rae from site Love From Berlin. Danas je vrijeme za još jednu Nadahnuta s objavu, a u ovom slučaju to znači da s vama dijelim novi crtež. Medij su bojice na papiru ( na više načina), ali također sam koristila i sušene ružine latice da bi stvorila ovu ilustraciju . Nadahnuta s je redovita rubrika na mome blogu u kojoj objavljujem ilustracije blogera. Ovaj put me nadahnula Rae s stranice Love From Berlin . Inspired by Love from Berlin