
Showing posts from January 8, 2016

Black and white / Crno i bijelo

With everyone you share something and many of you are the same. And rememeber it has been so since the ancient times. And we all repeat ourselves, even the great and the pure ones, like children that still don't know their names.                   Tin Ujević,  excerpt from a poem  Blood- Brotherhood of Faces in the Universe    Sa svakim nešto dijeliš, i više vas ste isti. I pamti da je tako od prastarih vremena. I svi se ponavljamo, i veliki i čisti, kao djeca što ne znaju još ni svojim imena.                 Tin Ujević, ulomak iz pjesme Pobratimstvo lica u Svemiru Besides these lines from one of my favourite poets, today I'm sharing with you what I wore today. I'm mixing different styles here, whether sucessfully or not, I really can't say but I do like this look. Recently I received a new package from  dresslink  . I ordered one st...