Interview and blog recommendation

I'm always amazed by the creativity of certain people. You will have a chance to read about one of them as I'm posting an interview with a very talented young lady from . The clothes she makes are so beautiful and unique and the speed with which she makes them is truly remarkable. (When it came to picking the photographs for this post, it wasn't easy because I really like all the clothes she creates.) Who taught you how to sew? How long have you been doing it? My mum was the first person who introduced me in the wonderful world of dressmaking as she was a seamstress when she was younger, but I think the most it´s learning by doing and there are still many different techniques and things I still have to try or improve. I made many clothes by myself when I was a young teenager but stopped then and started again with it when I was 25, so I can´t exactly tell how long I have been sewing.