Today I'll share with you six February outfits. Styling our clothes in Winter can often be fun because there are so many layering options. Moreover, we shall talk about the benefit of rewearing clothing items and why it is good for the environment. I always enjoyed reading about different ways of wearing one clothing item because it always seemed like a great way to maximize and shop one's closet. I have published many posts that could be placed in sustainable fashion category during my eight years as a blogger. I think by now, most people know that the textile (fashion) industry is one of the biggest industrial polluters. By shopping our closets and being less wasteful with clothes, we're are also helping the environment. Plus, it can be a lot of fun. I'm definitely not the only blogger that is talking about rewearing and restyling clothes, nor was I the first one to do it. If you are looking for more sustainable fashion ideas, you might them on the following blogs, ...