Beauty review / Recenzija kozmetičkog proizvoda
Catrice eye brow set was a Christmas gift. I have been using it since I have got it (almost 3 months, long enough to form my opinion). I really like that it contains tweezers (functioning ones), a brush and a mirror. It's terribly practical to have all that in one product. Catrice set za obrve je bio božični poklon. Koristim ga otkako sam ga dobila (skoro tri mjeseca, sasvim dovoljno za stjecanje mišljenja). Sviđa mi se što se unutar pakiranja nalazi i zrcalo, pinceta (začuđujuće dobro radi) te kist. Jako je praktično što je sve u jednom. flashlight / natural light (indoors) photo from the website, Product info I've found it easy to use. Whether you go for a subtle or a dramatic look, you'll be satisfied, both are quite easy to achieve. It doesn't stay on all day, the intensity does fade a bit after about 5 hours. As you can see, there are two shades. I prefer the darker ones as my eyebrows are black, but the blonds I know have told them th...